Make a life changing difference.
Make a life changing difference.
Looking for a meaningful, thoughtful way to celebrate your birthday?
Pledge your birthday, create a birthday fundraiser and make a difference this year!
Here’s a few ways to get started, and have an impactful birthday.

Your birthday fundraiser can make a life changing difference to people in some of the most vulnerable situations.
Meet Reynet.
At the young age of 13, Reynet has already endured a lot: an abusive father who attacked her mother and having to drink dirty water that she must fetch from crocodile-infested waters in her home town in Zimbabwe. Multiple times a day, Reynet must make the journey to fetch water for her family of seven, making her so sick she can barely concentrate at school.
“I would rather be reading my books than collecting water. I am usually late for school on average two days a month while collecting water. Three days a week I have to collect water when I should be doing homework.”
In the midst of the worst drought Zimbabwe has seen in over a decade, Reynet and her community are struggling to access food and clean water, with climate change and failing crops leaving them with almost nothing. Reynet should be at school, not risking her life fetching and drinking dirty, contaminated water.
This is where you come in! Pledging your birthday can make a life changing difference to children like Reynet. With your help, CARE can continue working with communities repair, install and maintain boreholes, providing families access to clean drinking water, keeping them healthy and safe.
“I will be happy that water will no longer make me sick. We will have space private enough for us to bathe. We won’t fear slipping at the water edges. And we won’t have to waste a lot of time of collecting clean water. With the borehole, you just come and collect water and go back home.”